Since we have such a feeble, feckless, alleged President, who can’t even navigate a set of stairs, the US is being tested & taunted in every corner of the globe. By the Russians in Eastern Europe, the Chinese in the South China Sea, and even by piss ant countries like North Korea.
These comments are clogging up my day! Now I’m so curious I have to go look up why Lincoln’s casket was opened up in 1901!! “Dad gum it”! Pop
I know! These facts are astounding!
Here’s a Fact for Fun:
Since we have such a feeble, feckless, alleged President, who can’t even navigate a set of stairs, the US is being tested & taunted in every corner of the globe. By the Russians in Eastern Europe, the Chinese in the South China Sea, and even by piss ant countries like North Korea.–~D
Oh for the days when you even threaten American lives, you get a drone missile strike IYLB (in your lap, baby).